All dates for upcoming plant medicine retreats in Ecuador (and individual ceremonies)

With a minimum reservation of 4 people, we can open new dates for the 2-day ayahuasca retreat near Quito.

If you don’t find all your answers here, feel free to reach out to Alma Healing Center directly: [email protected]
DatesLocationRetreat type
OngoingTumbaco6 day Private Ayahuasca Therapy Retreat
April 13-14Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
April 20-23Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
May 11-12Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
May 18-21Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
JuneNo fixed dates retreats, only ceremonies in Mindo upon request.Overnight or Daytime ceremony in Mindo
June 4Mindo cloudforestOvernight ceremony, inquire for more details.
July 6-7Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
**SPECIAL** July 17-23 2025Mindo cloudforest7 Day Women's Healing Retreat
August 3-4Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
**SPECIAL** August 16 - 31Mindo cloudforestVISION QUEST RETREAT
**SPECIAL** August 16 - 21Mindo cloudforest7 Day Plant Medicine Retreat during our annual Vision Quest Retreat.
September 14-15Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
September 21-24Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
October 12-13Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
October 19-22Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
November 9-10Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
November 16-19Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
December 7-8Pintag (near Quito)Overnight ceremony in Quito
December 14-17Mindo cloudforest4-day Ayahuasca retreat in Mindo
Womens Healing Retreats 2022

Full list of our plant medicine retreat offerings

Ongoing group retreats and ceremonies

Annual group retreats (special guests, limited space)

Private retreat and ceremony options:

If you don’t find all your answers here, feel free to reach out to Alma Healing Center directly: [email protected]

2 Day Ayahuasca Retreats 2023 - Upcoming dates

Price: $200 per person (not including transfer fees, if applicable)
Location: Valle de los Chillos, Quito – Ecuador
Hosts: Paulina
Includes: Meals, ceremony and accompaniment
Group size: Maximum 8 guests, minimum 4 guests

Read more about the 2 Day Ayahuasca Retreats, including what to expect, a sample itinerary, more information about the healers and location.

If your dates are not available (see dates), we can open new dates but need at least 4 people signed up. Please inquire to reserve.

5 Day Ayahuasca Retreats 2023 - Upcoming dates

Price: $700 per person (not including transfer fees, if applicable)
Location: Valle de los Chillos, Quito then Mindo, Ecuador
Hosts: Paulina, Sandra
Includes: Meals, ceremony, accompaniment, transportation
Group size: Maximum 8 guests, minimum 4 guests

Read more about the 5 Day Ayahuasca Retreats, including what to expect, a sample itinerary, more information about the healers and location.

If your dates are not available (see dates), we can open new dates but need at least 4 people signed up. Please inquire to reserve.

12 Day Ayahuasca Retreats 2022 - Upcoming dates

Price: $1500-1750 per person (not including fees)
Location: Penipe, Ecuador
Hosts: Titi and Eileen
Includes: Food & lodging
Group size: Maximum 8 guests

Read more about the 12 Day Ayahuasca Retreats, including what to expect, a sample itinerary, more information about the healers and location. Other dates not listed below may be possible for groups of 3+ participants. Please inquire to reserve.

7 Day Private Women's Spiritual Retreats 2022

Price: $1,700 per person (not including fees)
Location: Penipe, Ecuador
Hosts: Eileen and other healers, depending on activities
Includes: Food & lodging
Group size: 1, sometimes 2

Read more about the 7 Day Women’s Spiritual Retreats, including what to expect, a sample itinerary, more information about the healers and location. Send us your dates and we will see if Eileen can accommodate them. Please inquire to reserve.