Ayahuasca Ceremony near Quito – 2024/2025

We offer monthly overnight ayahuasca ceremonies on fixed dates apart from our 4 day ayahuasca retreat.
Important: If you wish to reserve a separate date for a private group or solo ceremony, please get in touch. Note that the price for custom date ceremonies, or private ceremonies, is higher.
Location: Pintag (near Quito), Ecuador
Price: $200 pp
# Participants: Maximum 10
Includes: introductions and explanations, ayahuasca ceremony, post-ceremony soup, accompaniment and translation
Weather: Andes, cold at night, dress warmly!

General Information about our ayahuasca ceremonies near Quito, Ecuador
Join our monthly overnight ayahuasca ceremonies in Quito, Ecuador with fixed dates once a month (Sunday-Monday). Spanish to English translation is available.
These overnight ceremonies were created to offer a more affordable option to those that don’t have the budget or time to attend our longer 4 day ayahuasca retreats in Mindo cloudforest, particularly EC nationals and residents, though also travelers.
This retreat is an inclusive and safe space led by a female retreat guide (read her profile below). Solo female travelers are encouraged to join, as well as people that identify as queer or LGBTQ+.
This is an opportunity to drink the sacred and healing medicine of ayahuasca to attain greater introspection and to deal with traumas, difficult emotions and decisions you might be facing.
The retreat consists of only 1 night of ayahuasca, apart from the sharing circle, a rapé circle before the ceremony and a meal after the ceremony. If you feel you would like to work more deeply with this sacred medicine, consider joining our 4 day ayahuasca retreats, which also take place once a month.
The price of this 2-day ayahuasca retreat ($200) includes:
- Introduction & sharing circle
- Rapé circle
- Ayahuasca ceremony
- 1 breakfast post ceremony
Reserve your spot at our ayahuasca ceremony near Quito – Ecuador: [email protected]
Upcoming dates for ayahuasca ceremonies near Quito-Ecuador
See main dates page.
Get in touch if you would like to open a new date.
Ceremony Guide - Paulina

Paulina is an Ecuadorian medicine woman dedicated to supporting others in their healing journey. She has worked with traditional and ancestral medicines for more than 20 years, including ayahuasca, aguacolla (San Pedro), peyote and mushrooms.
After living with the indigenous Shuar community of the Amazon, their elders gave her the blessing to continue her work as a curandera. She has also shared with and learned from the Shipibo in Peru and the Piaroa in Venezuela, among other indigenous peoples.
Paulina hosts regular women’s retreats in Ecuador and Mexico where ancestral rituals and medicines are used to facilitate deep personal work and transformation. She is the Founder of an international women’s collective, Mujeres de Luna, and is also a trained Gestalt therapist.
Finally, she is a leader of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan, a sun dancer, vision quester, and recipient of the Chakana altar, Andean table, and Heart of the Carnation altar from the Andean elders.
The ceremony guide is usually accompanied by 1 or 2 ceremony assistants, depending on ceremony group size.
Schedule for daytime ayahuasca ceremony near Quito
6pm Participants arrive
7pm Sharing circle to introduce ourselves, what brought us to the ceremony and more information about the process and medicine. Q&A.
8pm Ceremony open with a rapé circle and then ayahuasca.
2am Ceremony closes, participants rest where they are
8am-9am Share fruit, soup and reflections before departure
Ceremony Prices
The ceremony costs $200 per person. The total cost of the ceremony includes: ayahuasca ceremony, light meal afterwards, accompaniment and translation. Transportation is not included.
What to expect from this ayahuasca ceremony / what not to expect
This is not the typical ayahuasca ceremony geared to foreigners. It is a very authentic space and group, often comprised more of Ecuadorians and residents than foreigners.
Ceremonies take place in our home; this is not a hostal or lodge.
Since Quito is in the Andes, the temperature drops significantly in the afternoon. Be prepared and take warm clothes. This is also why ceremonies may take place inside, where it’s warmer.
Expect simplicity, honesty and a home environment where everything is done with loving intention.
How to reserve a spot at the ayahuasca ceremony near Quito?
To reserve, you will need to:
- Fill out a questionnaire so we know more about your health and medications. This is for your own safety.
- Let us know your dates if you want to open new dates.
- We may request a call with you if we have any doubts about health and medications.
- 50% deposit + fees. Payment options include Paypal, EU bank transfer, Zelle, Western Union, Ecuadorian bank transfer, or cash (no fees!)
- We do not accept minors, you must be over 18+
- The deposit is only reimbursed if the retreat is cancelled.
Location - 45 mins from Quito
The retreat space is at the home and property of the retreat guide,and is located in Pintag, a small countryside town about 45 minutes drive from Quito. The property is surrounded by nature.
Upon reservation, you will receive detailed directions on how to get to the retreat.
We can also help coordinate your taxi there, if you prefer to travel with a trusted taxis (Ubers also work in Ecuador!).
Private ayahuasca ceremony for small groups
If you wish to organize a private ayahuasca ceremony (we don’t open the ceremony to the public, just your group), please get in touch.
You would need to organize a minimum of 4 participants ($600) and give us at least 1-2 weeks notice in order to prepare.
This may be interesting to family groups, women’s groups, friends groups that wish to have a more exclusive experience.
What to Pack for the ayahuasca ceremony near Quito
- Offerings: It is customary to bring a gift to the person that prepares and serves sacred medicine. We would be grateful to receive sage flat cedar, sweetgrass, frankincense resin, good quality essential oils and/or organic tobacco offerings, which are all difficult to get in Ecuador.
- Warm and comfortable clothing for the ayahuasca ceremony. Nights are COLD near Quito, be prepared!
- Warm socks
- Sleeping bag or warm blanket (if you do not have this because you’re traveling, let us know)
- Yoga mat, pillow or camping mat
- Headlamp/flashlight (not your phone)
- Comfortable shoes
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- A candle
- Some fruit to share
If you are traveling light and don’t have one or more of the above items, let us know and we will do our best to find something you can use.